Sunday, December 26, 2010

Video of me in difference event

This is the video of me in difference event, I made it myself as my memory:-)

Cambodian Value

Every nation in the world always has their value according to their Culture. No wonder for Cambodian, we also have our value. As Cambodia is one of the oldest nation in world and use to have such a wonderful culture and also the powerful nation. Up to now Cambodian still keep our wonderful culture and tradition very well, however there are a lot of foreign culture get involve and try to influence in our country a lot. This is because we are proud to be Cambodian. The main Cambodia values there are: obedient, competition, material wealth, hard work and reputation.

In Cambodia society, the obedient is really important for the communication with people in society. We have 4 classes of group people: King, High Class, Middle Class and Low Class. We hardly to find equality in Cambodia society, rich they have different way of living and environment and poor people they have other ways of living and environment. Poor people need to respect rich people and young people need to respect older people, Kid need to respect their parents. Parents is the most important for kids, they respect their parent a lot. Kids will listen and follow every word that their parents ask them to do so because they believe that parents is older than them and have more life experiences than them. The girls need to be soft and polite.

Over Population Issue

Overpopulation has become one of the main concerns to the world. The population keeps increasing every minute. From the current results of United Nation estimation, “the average net increase of 396,412,000 people in five years, meaning a net increase of 217,212 people/day or 150 more people/minute”[1].  As a result, overpopulation has become a serious problem everywhere in the world, especially in countries like China, United State and Japan. Overpopulation can result from an increase in birth rate, a decline in mortality rates due to medical advances, from an increase in immigration, or from an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources. There are several possible solutions to contain the growing  population which include advertise the consequences of overpopulation issue, promote the birth control method among couples and also encourage small family by promoting a one child policy like in the People’s Republic of China. 

The first simple solution is to create awareness among the people of the consequences of overpopulation.  Issues regarding poverty, unemployment and food shortage would be addressed in regard to increase in population.  The Government can create this sensitization by use of media; making advertisements in magazine, newspaper, television, radio, billboards and internet but to mention a few. This way a wide range of the public will be facilitated for regardless of the level of literacy, style of learning (visual and auditory learners) and location. In addition government should make education a high priority in its agenda. This will save a great deal of money, time and energy because if a many people are educated, important laws and information can be implemented which without a lot of opposition from the traditionalists for example those who prefer large families. So if all the people can understand the issue and know how serious the problem is, they will be aware of it and try to find the solutions for it.

Another possible solution is to promote the birth control methods among couple and also advise them on their significance. Birth control methods are techniques that couples undertake to prevent unwanted or early pregnancies. There are many different forms of birth control and these involve use of a condom during sexual intercourse, barrier method, hormonal method , pill, patch, vaginal contraceptive ring, etc. So the couple has a wide range to choose from. Health services for birth control methods should be easily accessible by anyone in both public and private hospitals as well as pharmacies. Government can encourage people to use birth control methods by mass media to show them their advantage and its role in reducing the increasing population.
The most effective solution is to apply to strict law of having a limited number of children per family. This can be implemented by introducing compensation and providing privileges for those that abide by the law. However consequences for those that don’t abide by the law should also be established for example high tax for those that have many children. Even if this may seem like a hard method to implement, it is the only one that can easily be monitored by the government. Personally I regard this method to be effective because in way the public will have no other choice because it’s a law that has to be followed. This method has been effective in China where the “One Child Policy” was implemented. Initially there was opposition from the public but in the years that followed, it became successful. Effectiveness of this law has a lot of consequences because it would require a lot of money say for compensation as a result may cause the country to run in debts however in long time, future issues that arise as a result of over population will have been eliminated.
Issues of overpopulation have been addressed in past however the response from the public has been slow. Therefore the Government should take it upon themselves to emphasize and educate the public about the consequences that result from high populations. Some government may have to pick a leaf from other governments that have been successful in the implantation of some of these possible solutions in order to promote a universal achievement. So we should all work together to find the solution. There are many things that governments and all people in the world can do help overcome this problem. The above mentioned solutions would require a lot of co-operation from everyone in order to ensure positive results.

[1] Source: Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, World Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision, http:/, Friday, June 26, 2009; 3:41:46 AM. 

Compare and Contrast of Cambodian and American Culture

Cambodia is the small country in South East Asian which has a foundation in an ancient culture. I have lived in this small country since I was born. I have followed and practiced Cambodian culture since I was small without knowing about others countries. Now I am studying in American and I am taking a Global Issues class which studies American culture. After taking this class, I understand much more about American culture. I have begun to understand some of the similarities and differences between Cambodian and American culture. I compare the cultures of both countries by focusing on religion, belief and tradition.

The first thing I will address is religion. Religion is part of the culture because it shows the people’s beliefs and practices related to god or gods. Cambodia is a Buddhist country, which 95% of population believing in the Buddhist faith. This differs from the United States, which is diverse in ethics and nationalities, and therefore also diverse in religion. Through diversity in religions, Americans also have a wide variety of customs.

Moreover, belief is also important in a comparison between Cambodian and American culture. As Cambodia’s official religion is Buddhism and the religion is closely connected with the government, many people’s lifestyles, practices and beliefs also follow Buddhism. Buddhist teachings tell people to be a good and really respectful to people around. In order to be a good and respected person in Cambodia, you have to be gentle, honest, without jealousy, as well as give each other chances and respect elders. In contrast, American people generally strive to be successful people and respected by following the individual freedom, equality of opportunity and diligence. Essentially, American people do not really believe in luck, but they trust the real reason, real activities and real result that they get from their work.  

Lastly, I will focus on the traditions of both countries. Despite having different religions and beliefs, there are still many traditions in common. Cambodia has a New Year’s day and the United States also has the New Year’s day. Although they celebrate New Year day on different date, they way that they practice is similar. For the Cambodian New Year, people always gather together with relatives, buy new clothes, and dress nicely. Similarly, American tradition for New Year’s is often gathering together with relatives and buying new clothes.

In conclusion, Cambodia and America have almost completely different cultures, however there are some similarities. It is not easy for me to live in America for the first time because the culture is difficult to get used to. People’s beliefs lead them to act in a very different way from Cambodians. I feel like an alien for the first time in that new country, but after a while I get used to some of the Americans beliefs and practices. This does not means that I completely throw away my own culture and follow a new culture, but rather that I just follow what I think is right.

The effects of natural disaster such as an earthquake or hurricane

A natural disaster is an outcome that is not man-made and causes damage such as flood, typhoon, hurricane, earthquake, etc. There are a lot of countries in the world that have been struck natural disasters. In January, 12, 2010 there was a big earthquake on record in history that hit Haiti. Millions of people lost their lives and many more have not been found as a result of this disaster. Haiti is currently faced with a lot of problems because the country lost if not damaged everything that is of value for example infrastructure, people, animals and all building. There are several main bad effects of earthquake such as lost infrastructures, lost in human resource and natural resource.

First and foremost, as the result of the earthquake, Haiti lost infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, shopping malls, roads, buildings and telecommunication. When an earthquake occurs, everything in that place will get destroyed by the strength of the earth shake, houses housing structures regardless of whether there are bungalows or skyscrapers will crumble to the ground unless if reinforcements were used to build that structure. Roads, markets, hospitals and school are really important for the human resource but everything was destroyed thus the country lacks proper modes of transport and facilities to provide education.  Not forgetting to mention the numerous kinds of businesses that were ruined. Infrastructures are very important features of any country because they facilitate its development economically, socially and politically. So if they are destroyed, the country if barely sustainable on itself.

Secondly, I will look at the human resources.  Due to the earthquake, there are a lot of effects to human resources. When an earthquake occurs, the buildings and institutions are destroyed, so people in that building will die. There were millions of people who died and disappeared during earthquake. So after earthquake there will be some people who survived with injures some of which lead to permanent disabilities. Human life is valuable and irreplaceable. This loss of human life also increases the number of orphans and many other loved ones. With the destruction of facilities and property, there isn’t enough to feed the remaining population; consequently starvation prevails among the survivors. They have no where to get food and no money to get food because they lost everything. The only source of food is the aid which doesn’t necessarily provide enough for everyone. 

Furthermore, there are the effects on the natural resources. These include animals, trees, mountain, rivers, sea, etc. As a result of the earthquake, the animals will die or get displaced; trees will be no more because they will have fallen as a result of the strength of the movement. Rivers and sea will change course or not exist anymore or worse flood which worsens the situation in the affected region. The results of earthquake to the natural environment are horrifying however if not revived (features such as trees), they cause long term negative effects such as drastic changes in climate. Therefore earthquakes are a big disadvantage to the natural resources and environment.
In the conclusion, earthquakes result in negative effects to the peoples and nature. By losing all of those main resources such as infrastructure, human and natural resource will cause the big problem to economy. If a country loses infrastructures, businesses, education, transport and hence people will be affected because they would not have access to many facilities and other services.  The long term effects of the earthquake to the natural resources are very devastating which gradually if not aided which fall into an economic downturn.

“To be yourself in the world that is constantly trying to make you same together to greatest accomplishment”

Being live as a person is really important to know your self as who you are. Life’s of everyone in the world is always change, sometime we could never predict it before it happened, it just really randomly. For me my life was changing a lot and it hard for me to behave my self to use to with the environment around me. Now my life was changing from Cambodia to Hong Kong, I study in Li Po Chun United World College which is the international school and there are many difference nationalities and also differences culture like the way that they wearing, most of them are wearing short; short skirt and also the way that they greeting people by hug, kiss which really unacceptable for my country as well. However it strange for me, but I just need to keep myself as who I am, it is not mean that I am will be the only one who different from other people around me, I still talk to them and to be a good friend with them and also appreciate their culture as well . I came to study in Hong Kong, I have learn a lot about new things and I also new culture from different country. However I came to study abroad I have stayed in the new culture around me, but I just learn and know about it but not mean that I need to follow them all think as I am live at the country. I think that if I keep my self as who I am, I can make people around me know me more and also about my country, culture as well, then I can advertise my culture to another country as well.

About me!!!

Name: Sotheary Teang
Nationality: Cambodian
Date of Birth: 18th June 1992
Place of Birth: Ramlong Praklas, Soportep, Chbamorn, Kampong Speu, Cambodia
  • Angserey Primary School: 1997-2003
  • Ti Rom Ket Secondary School: 2003-2006
  • Kampong Speu High School: 2006-2008
  • Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong: 2008-2010
Future Plan: Economist and Mathematic teacher ; want to do some work related Human Right and fight with the sex trafficking
Free time: Listen to music; watch espisode; Read the news re
lated to economic and human right; Rearly read the book.
Favourite person:
  • My parent is the best for me and my sister too
  • For friend, I like the friend who has honestly relationship, no fake and kind.